Advanced Python Training in Meerut
Python is a excessive-degree, interpreted, interactive and OOPS language. Python become designed to be especially readable, makes use of English key phrases regularly while different languages use punctuation and it has fewer syntactical buildings than different languages. Advanced Python Training in Meerut is being designed for software program programmer with a want to apprehend Python programming and frameworks. Training on Python is being imparted in a pleasant surroundings with crew challenge and specific dreams. Your look for a Python training institute can be stop with ITMeerut . The Python course is to be had at weekends, we request you to return back for a loose demo.
Apart from Python Generalist course which fits to necessities of a Tech Graduate, ITMeerut additionally conducts expert degree modules in Data Sciences inclusive of the usage of Python with Data Analytics Course, Data Visualization and Machine studying at the side of Framework Django, Python with MongoDB, Flask, Python for Testing, Advanced Python and many others. Following is the course define for our generalist Python course in Meerut for Tech Graduates, For different guides Please request course brochure. Python Training Learn From ITMeerut .
Lesson 1
Getting commenced with Python programming
Introductory Remarks approximately Python
A Brief History of Python
How python is range from different languages
Python Versions
Installing Python and Environment Setup
Getting Help
How to execute Python application
Writing your first Python application
How to paintings on exclusive Popular IDE’s [ Pycharm , Jupyter Notebook , Spyder etc.]
Lesson 2
Variables, Keywords and Operators
Memory mapping of variables
Keywords in Python
Comments in python
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Membership Operators
Identity Operators
Bitwise Operators
Basics I/O and Type casting
Getting consumer input
Lesson 3
Data sorts in Python
Lesson 4
Numbers and Strings
Introduction to Python ‘Number’ & ‘string’ facts sorts
Properties of a string
String integrated functions
Programming with strings
String formatting
Lesson 5
Lists and Tuples
Introduction to Python ‘listing’ facts kind
Properties of a listing
List integrated functions
Programming with lists
List comprehension
Introduction to Python ‘tuple’ facts kind
Tuples as Read most effective lists
Project: Employee Data Management through the usage of List
Lesson 6
Dictionary and Sets
Introduction to Python ‘dictionary’ facts kind
Creating a dictionary
Dictionary integrated functions
Introduction to Python ‘set’ facts kind
Set and set properties
Set integrated functions
Project: Banking System mission through the usage of Dictionary
Lesson 7
Decision making & Loops
Introduction of Decision Making
Control Flow and Syntax
The if Statement
The if..else Statement
The if…elif…else Statement
Nested if…else Statement
The whilst Loop
damage and continue Statement
The for Loop
Pass statement
Lesson 8
User described Functions
Introduction of functions
Function definition and return
Function name and reuse
Function parameters
Function recipe and docstring
Built in functions
Scope of variables
Recursive functions
Lambda Functions / Anonymous Functions
Zip characteristic
Map , Filter & Reduce functions
*args and **kwargs
Lesson 9
Modules and Packages
Importing module
Standard Module – sys
Standard Module – OS
The dir Function
Lesson 10
Exception Handling in Python
Understanding exception
Run Time Errors
Handling I/O Exceptions
try, except, else and eventually statement
elevating exceptions with: raise, assert
Lesson 11
File Handling in Python
Working with files
File items and Modes of report operations
Reading, writing and use of ‘with’ key-word
read(), readline(), readlines(), are looking for(), tell() strategies
Handling comma separated cost files (CSV report handling)
CSV studying and writing with DictWriter
Pickling (Pickle report handling)
Project: Fruit Store facts control
Lesson 12
Email sending Automation
Understanding SMTP
Sending e-mail with sendmail() characteristic
Email sending with attachment and MIME
Project: Mass mailer
Lesson 13
Regular expression
Pattern matching
Meta characters for making patterns
re flags
Use of healthy() , sub() , findall(), seek(), split() strategies
Lesson 14
Object orientated programming with Python
OOPs standards: Classes and items
Making of a category and module namespace
Static and example variables
Deep information of self and init ()
Inheritance and Overriding
Overloading functions
Operator overloading
Encapsulation: Hiding attributes
Understanding threads
Lesson 15
Database connectivity with Python
Working with MySQL database
Working with Sqlite3 database
Lesson 16
Socket Programming & Tkinter GUI Application
Introduction to Tkinter module
Using root window
Creating frames
Using Labels and Buttons
Using Text and Entry widgets
KM to M converter software
Project: Calculator, Notepad and many others.
How to create setup report of mission.
Project Work (Any one)
Restaurant Management System
Payroll Management System
Simple Quiz GUI APP
Student Information System
Tic Tac Toe Game
Snake Game
Blackjack Game
Further Guidance and counseling